The Al-Masirah news channel has on Wednesday published confidential documents, some of them originally issued by the US Embassy in Sana’a and others obtained by the National Security Agency before the September 21 Revolution of 2014.
The released documents issued by the US Embassy before the revolution include orders from former Ambassador Gerald Feierstein to the then president of Yemen commanding him to transfer so-called “counterterrorism units” from the Ministry of Interior to the army.
The documents also included US orders to limit symbolic units to be security forces for Yemen’s land and sea borders.
Moreover, documents issued by the US Embassy prior to the revolution include demands to change a number of military commanders in various positions, including appointing a new commander of the special operations forces ad well as his deputy, and a deputy Chief of General Staff.
Files released by the national security apparatus of the former Yemeni regime revealed the continued dismantle ent of Yemeni air defence systems, particularly Strela and SAM missiles, coordinated and supervised by the United States. This destruction of Yemeni military hardware has led to Yemen having a severe lack of anti-air defence equipment up to this very day.
Documents released by the National Security Agency showed that the US had directed the activity of the Yemeni government before 2014 in a course that served US national security interests, without any regard to Yemen’s own national interests.
The released files show a clear US disregard for Yemeni national sovereignty and independence, and a large degree of imperialist meddling in Yemen’s internal affairs.