The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Monday that about 200,000 suspected cases of cholera have been recorded in Yemen during the first nine months of 2020.
The organization said, in a tweet on Twitter, that 197,377 suspected cholera cases were reported in Yemen.
خلال الأشهر الـ9 الأولى من 2020، تم الإبلاغ عن 197،377 حالة مشتبه بإصابتها بالكوليرا في #اليمن، بانخفاض نسبته 72٪ مقارنة بالفترة ذاتها من 2019. ساهمت منظمة الصحة العالمية في تحقيق ذلك من خلال دعم واسع النطاق بما فيه بناء وتجهيز مراكز علاج الإسهال مثل الذي تم بنائة مؤخرا في #حجة.
— WHO Yemen (@WHOYemen) October 12, 2020
This figure indicates a decrease in the number of cases of the epidemic by 72% compared to the same period in 2019, the organization added, noting that it contributed to achieving this decline, by supporting the construction and equipping of diarrhea treatment centers in a number of regions.
Yemen suffers from a severe deterioration in the health sector as a result of the ongoing war launched by Saudi-led coalition for six years, which has led to the closure of half of the medical facilities in the country, making many residents vulnerable to epidemics and diseases.