Women’s rights movement demands female representation in letter to Saudi-led Hadi government

Women’s rights movement demands female representation in letter to Saudi-led Hadi government

Women’s rights leaders have refused to be excluded from the government formation talks between the Hadi puppet government and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

Several women’s organisation leaders have sent letters to Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and his Prime Minister, Moeen Abdul Malik, who both live in Riyadh, calling in them to save the civil rights of Yemeni women, protect their gains, and enhance their participation under the declared local and international authorities.

They called for women to be included in the new government, after they were confirmed to be excluded from the cabinet, which is expected to be announced this week for the first time since 2001.

The leaders called for the adoption of quota for women’s representation in accordance with the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference. This conference agreed upon at least 30% in the government to be formed having to be women.

“Any future governments, taking into account the importance of respecting standards of integrity and efficiency, and at all levels of decision-making, should raise the percentage to achieve full equality,” the letters read.