Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Yemeni government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, has on Monday verbally attacked the exiled Hadi presidency, the Islah Party and the Southern Transitional Council, saying that they are “multi-use tools.”
Al-Ezzi wrote that: “Hadi has no legitimacy, he is a peg and a multi-purpose person. You can wear him as a tie, and that’s what the thieves do.”
هادي لاشرعية له ولا قضية وقراره لايتجاوز بهو الفندق
لذلك ستسقط تعييناته
هو لم يكن يوما سوى شماعة وشخص هزيل قابل للاستعمال المتعدد يمكنك أن ترتديه ربطة في عنقك كما يفعل الاصلاح أو حذاءاً في قدميك كما يفعل الانتقالي لذلك رفضناهم للأبد ومعنا كل الحق فاليمن أعظم من كل هؤلاء اللصوص— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) January 18, 2021
“They are just parties and names without dignity and cause, and were designed specifically to discredit our great Yemen. We will always send our wishes of peace [only] to people who do not bow to anyone but Allah.”