Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan stated “Yemeni steadfastness, accompanied by deterrence and strong will, has defeated Trump, and this lesson had been well learnt by Joe Biden.”
“Yemen’s six-year steadfastness, accompanied by a strong deterrent force and a strong will to make the decision, has led to the defeat of Trump, the real orchestrater of the war and a supporter of its weapons,” Atwan said in a tweet.
الصمود اليمني لست سنوات مصحوبًا بقوة ردع وارادة صلبة في اتخاذ القرار كلها مجتمعة أدت الى هزيمة ترامب المهندس الحقيقي للحرب والداعم بالسلاح لها الان بايدن استوعب الدرس ويحاول التغيير لكن الكلمة الاخيرة للصامدين ويخطئ من يثق بامريكا ووعودها واسألوا المرابطين بالقدس
— عبد الباري عطوان (@abdelbariatwan) February 4, 2021
“Now, Biden has learned the lesson and is trying to change, but the last word for the steadfast is that trusting America and its promises is a mistake. Ask the Palestinian people,” he added.