Health authorities in the Saudi-led Hadi puppet government have on Wednesday recorded 34 new coronavirus cases and four deaths in the occupied provinces, in conjunction with warnings issued by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) of a new wave of deadly epidemics inside Yemen.
The Control Committee tasked with confronting the coronavirus said in a tweet that it had recorded 34 cases in five Provinces: 14 cases in Hadhramaut, 12 in Aden , four in Taiz, three in Dhalea and one in Shabwah.
مستجدات #كورونا:
تسجيل (34) حالة إصابة جديدة كالتالي:
(14) #حضرموت
(12) #عدن
(4) #تعز
(3) #الضالع
(1) #شبوةكما تم تسجيل (4) حالات وفاة:
(3) #حضرموت
(1) #شبوةوتم تسجيل حالة شفاء واحدة من #حضرموت
ليصبح بذلك إجمالي الحالات المؤكدة (2221) منها (624) وفاة و(1433) تعافي
— اللجنة الوطنية العليا لمواجهة وباء كورونا (@YSNECCOVID19) February 24, 2021
The committee added that it had also recorded one recovery and three death cases in Hadhramaut and another one in Shabwah.
These bring the total infections in the coalition-backed government-held areas to 2,221, including 624 deaths and 1,433 recoveries, the committee said.
Earlier on Monday, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said preparations were underway in Yemen to cope with the fallout from a new wave of coronavirus.
“As the second and third waves ravage many countries around the world, the humanitarian community in Yemen is preparing for the possible fallout,” the organisation wrote on its Twitter account.
“The coronavirus is still present in Yemen, and less than 50% of health facilities across the country are fully functional,” IOM added.
The coalition-backed government is expected to receive the first batch of 2.3 million COVID-19 vaccine doses by March, through the COVAX vaccine-sharing facility.