In a webinar organised by the Islamic Radios Television Union (IRTVU) in Switzerland Ulf Sandmark, President of the Schiller Institute in Sweden, presented the Schiller Conference as “our active way of breaking the Western media blockade of news about peace and development.”
The IRTVU is part of the Yemen activist networks in Geneva and London working to end the wars in Southwest Asia. The webinar was dedicated to highlight the systematic violations of Freedom of Expression with what is effectively a media blockade of the news from the nations targeted by the Western powers.
Sandmark said: “The Schiller Institute has an ongoing process of conferences to organise a dialogue of civilisations enabling a dialogue necessary to have those nations closed out by Western media to take part” and invited the listeners to the upcoming conference May 8th.
The other speakers at the webinar were Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos, Publisher of Politics First Magazine and frequent contributor to RT; Barrister Ishaq Adam, Human Rights Lawyer from Nigeria; and journalist and activist Alberto Watson from Spain, who had been stationed in Lebanon for Press TV, and covered the takfiri terrorists’ assault on Syria.
Watson gave insights on what really happened from the first day when the war on Syria started, with violent abductions, murders and mutilations of Syrian civilians and officials, by Western equipped and funded terrorists.
Historian Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos introduced the subject of the 2 hour webinar with an eloquent summary of the systematic violations of freedoms of expression by the British media, pointing out especially The Guardian as one of the worst. In the discussion both he and Watson pointed to the need for the British, Swedish and Spanish audiences to free themselves from being captivated by the media news, soap operas and football games.
“What is needed are solutions”, Sandmark said, “so the people want to stop watching because they have hope. The Western policies for shooting itself in the foot are just destructive. Solutions like the Belt and Road Initiative are huge opportunities to rally the Western populations into cooperation.”
“The alternative media, like RT, PressTV and CGTN, have significant audiences in the West, which have to be given the solutions – audiences who have increased even more after all exposure of the Fake Media during Trump years. Using that influence could be enough to tip the Western populations to start joining the new paradigm and to look for real news”, Sandmark said.
Finally, the moderator Hasan Abedi kindly reminded about the conference and Sandmark announced the homepage address: