Southern Yemeni politician and academic Abdulrahman Al-Wali has accused the Saudi-led coalition countries of tearing up the Yemeni southern provinces into two state whose borders would Shoqra and Sheikh Salem area in Abyan province.
Abdulrahman Al-Wali, explained Wednesday in a tweet on his account on Twitter that the coalition has been trying, since they entered Aden, to “tear the south apart in the name of reconciliation.”
التحالف منذ اتى وهو يحاول ان يقسم الجنوب الى دولتين حدودهما شقره والشيخ سالم، يريد للدوله الغربيه مشاركة الانتقالي وفي الدوله الشرقيه ادارتها بنفسه، وهذا كله يدور تحت تسميات كثيره واهمها مصالحه، هل نقبل؟ حجة ان هذا مشروع دولي سيفرضوه بالقوه هي حجه ضعيفه، فهل سنخضع للقوه ام للحق؟
— د.عبدالرحمن الوالي (@aaaw56) June 30, 2021
Al-Wali explained that there are local tendencies to form a unified “national southern front,” noting that some components are seeking to find a “southern” dialogue, but under the coalition’s tutelage.
The University of Aden academic pointed out that any such components established by the money of the invaders will fail and perish in the end.