The head of the Yemeni National Delegation confirmed on Thursday that the defeat of the US-Saudi aggression in Bayda governorate is confirmed, despite its use of terrorists from al-Qaeda and Daesh.
“The US-Saudi aggression can achieve nothing but defeat on every front and on every level. It received severe blows in Al-Bayda, despite its use of Al-Qaeda and Daesh,” Mohammed Abdulsalam wrote in a post published on his Twitter page.
لا شيء يحرزه تحالف العدوان كالهزيمةفي كل جبهةوعلى كل صعيد،وقدتلقى في البيضاء بفضل الله ضربات منكلة،وفي غيرهايواجه واقعاًيستحيل عليه تجاوزه مهماحاول وعليه أن ييأس كليامن أي تقاعس في مواجهةعدوانه وحصاره،وإذ يكابر باستمرار الغارات وفرض الحصار فلن ينال من إرادة وعزيمة شعبنا بعون الله
— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) July 8, 2021
He stressed that the coalition of aggression is “facing a reality that is impossible to overcome, no matter how hard it tries.”
“The US-Saudi aggression should despair,” he added.
The head of the National Delegation stressed that “even if the coalition of aggression persists with its continuous raids and imposition of siege, it will not affect the will and determination of Yemenis.”