Activists and intellectuals speak out against UAE plan to grant citizenship to “Israelis”

Activists and intellectuals speak out against UAE plan to grant citizenship to “Israelis”

The Kuwaiti intellectual and former lawmaker Abdullah Al-Nafis has warned against Gulf over-normalisation with the Zionist occupation entity, particularly the granting of Gulf state nationalities to, “Israelis”.

UAE activist and dissident Hamad al-Shamsi had earlier warned that the UAE’s new nationality law meant naturalising a large number of Israelis.

“The government is working to replace the people of the UAE. The Israelis will have an Emirati citizenship,” al-Shamsi said.

According to al- Shamsi, recent changes in the UAE, from allowing the sale of liquor in various places, allowing men and a women to share hotel rooms without requiring a marriage contract as evidence of matrimony, along with other matters, we’re established not for the sake of Emirati citizens, but for those who will be naturalised.