Yemen’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hussein al-Ezzi has exposed the “true enemy” that is hindering the peace process in Yemen.
“The road to honest and serious negotiations begins with the lifting of the blockade,” Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Ezzi said in a statement.
الطريق إلى مفاوضات صادقة وجادة يبدأ برفع الحصار والعدو الحقيقي ومن يجب الحذر منه ليس نحن وإنما :
– من يتحدثون عنا كخطر داهم
– ومن يتمسكون بالحصار ويثيرون المخاوف من وقف الحرب
– وأيضا من قد ينصحون بالسلام ويرسمون في نفس الوقت طريقا ملتويا لايحقق السلام كما تفعل بعض الجهات الدولية— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) July 21, 2021
“The real enemy is the one who adheres to the blockade and raises fears of a cessation of war, as well as those who talk about us as if we were an imminent danger,” he explained.
Al-Ezzi concluded that “those who recommend peace while charting a twisted path” will not achieve peace at all.