Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council, on Saturday called on the National Salvation of Yemen government of to ban all Saudi products and imports from entering areas controlled by the Sana’a government, in response to a similar decision taken by Riyadh against Lebanese products.
” If Saudi Arabia bans Lebanon’s products due to stance taken by Lebanese Information Minister George Kurdahi, I call on the National Salvation Government to hold an emergency meeting and issue a decision to ban Saudi products from entering Yemen,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said.
اذا منعت السعودية منتجات #لبنان من اجل موقف وزير الاعلام #جورج_قرداحي
فادعوا الحكومة اليمنية الى الاجتماع الطارئ واصدار قرار بمنع منتجات السعودية من دخول اليمن .#نعم_جورج_حرب_اليمن_عبثية— محمد علي الحوثي (@Moh_Alhouthi) October 29, 2021
On Friday evening, Saudi Arabia ordered the Lebanese ambassador to leave the country within 48 hours, and stopped all imports from Lebanon, in response to comments by a Lebanese minister who described the war in Yemen as “Saudi aggression.”
Bahrain took similar measures and expelled the Lebanese ambassador.