Saudi Arabia arrests four children

Saudi Arabia arrests four children

The Saudi authorities have arrested 4 children at Dammam airport, while they were trying to travel abroad to meet their father, and deprived them of all their basic rights.

Saudi dissident Ali Hashim revealed, in a series of tweets on Thursday, that the Saudi authorities at Dammam Airport arrested his 8-year-old daughter Zainab in 2018.

In his tweets, Hashim added that the Saudi authorities also arrested his other children Al-Abbas (3 years) Al-Hassan (10 years) and Al-Hussein (9 years).

He confirmed that the Saudi authorities confiscated the passports of his four children, suspended their services, prevented them from traveling, and placed them under house arrest in Saudi Arabia, which constitutes a violation of children’s rights and violates the rules of international law and the Convention on the Child.\