Anti-separatist groups in Hadhramaut accuse UAE-backed groups of pushing southern Yemen further into civil war

Anti-separatist groups in Hadhramaut accuse UAE-backed groups of pushing southern Yemen further into civil war

Several parties and political movements in Hadhramaut that are being backed by the Saudi-led coalition, have accused the UAE-funded Southern Transition Council (STC) of “trying to push the province towards civil war and armed chaos.”

A group of pro-Islah groups warned in a joint statement that the activities of the STC are “a serious gesture that would open the doors of sedition and armed mess to the province.”

The statement stressed the need to “stand united and reunite in order to achieve fair demands and fight against corruption.”

Earlier this week, STC officer Sheikh Hassan al-Jabri declared his intention to recruit 25,000 people in Wadi Hadhramaut under the pretext of supporting “urban elite militias” financed by the UAE.