Ansarullah spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam has affirmed that the National Salvation Government’s military operations against the Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition forces in Yemen are still continuing.
“The persistence of Saudi-led coalition in committing brutal massacres and the global blindness over them don’t end the conflict, but further aggravate it,” the spokesman said.
إصرار تحالف العدوان على ارتكاب المجازر الوحشية وتعامي العالم عنها لا ينهي الصراع بل يزيده حدة وسخونة وخطورة،وشعبٌ يواجه عدوانا وحصارا لسنوات يملك كامل الحق لأن ينتقم لضحاياه بكل وسيلة مشروعة، وشعبنا اليمني مستمر في دعم عمليات قواته المسلحة غير آبه بعالم لم يرف له جفن على معاناته.
— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) January 19, 2022
He noted that “the people who have been confronting aggression and blockade since years, have the full right to retaliate by every legitimate means.”
Abdulsalam stressed that “the Yemeni people continue to support the operations of their Armed Forces.”