Head of the national negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, revealed on Tuesday that Sana’a has delivered a new vision plan to end the war and enter into a peace process in Yemen during a meeting with Russian officials.
“We gave our vision for a solution to friends, through Moscow’s ambassador in Yemen, with the goal of alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people and creating the atmosphere to end the war and enter a UN-sponsored political process,” he said on Twitter, adding that “we previously handed a copy of it to the UN Envoy.”
سلمنا الأصدقاء الروس عبر سفير موسكو لدى اليمن رؤيتنا للحل الانساني بهدف تخفيف معاناة الشعب اليمني وتهيئة الأجواء لوقف الحرب والدخول إلى عملية سياسية برعاية الأمم المتحدة .
سبق وسلمنا نسخة منها للمبعوث الاممي .
— محمد عبدالسلام (@abdusalamsalah) February 15, 2022