Eye on Humanity Center releases full casualty statistics of seven years of Saudi war on Yemen

Eye on Humanity Center releases full casualty statistics of seven years of Saudi war on Yemen

The Eye on Humanity Center for Rights and Development has revealed on Wednesday an official Statistics of the past seven years of the Saudi aggression against the Yemeni people

According to the statistics, Over 46,262 Yemeni civilians, including women and children, have been killed and wounded as a result of the air raids that the US-backed Saudi-Emirati coalition warplanes have waged on Yemen for the past seven years.

In its statistics of the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression during these seven years, the center explained that the total number of killed and injured during seven years amounted to 17,734 killed and 28,528 injured.

It indicated that the number of killed and injured children reached 4,017 killed and 4,586 injured. With regard to women, the center indicated that the number killed reached 2,434, and the number of injured was 2,910.

The number of men killed and injured within the seven years of the aggression was 11,283 killed and 21,032 injured, and the Center noted that the statistic is not final as there are areas that it was unable to reach.

The Eye on Humanity Center confirmed that the US-Saudi aggression targeted, within the seven years, 590,069 homes, 1,612 mosques, 410 hospitals and health facilities, 1,214 schools and educational facilities, and 182 university facilities.

The center also clarified that the US-Saudi aggression attacked 999 food stores, 2,799 tanks, a water station, 416 fuel stations, 965 food trucks, 9,721 agricultural fields, 433 poultry and livestock farms, and 482 fishing boats.

It also indicated that 404 factories, 11,901 commercial facilities, 696 markets, 378 fuel tankers and 9,770 different means of transportation were hit.

The center concluded its statistics that the US-Saudi aggression targeted 15 airports, 16 ports, 6,743 roads and bridges, 340 stations and generators, 609 networks and communication stations, 2,091 government facilities, 2,573 archaeological sites, 139 sports facilities, 60 media structures, and 375 tourist facilities.