Dozens of Al-Qaeda terrorists deployed to Shabwah province

Dozens of Al-Qaeda terrorists deployed to Shabwah province

Military sources revealed on Wednesday that dozens of Al-Qaeda members have arrived on the outskirts of Shabwah province, southern Yemen, Yemen News Portal reported.

This coincides with the escalation of the terrorist organisation’s public movements in the province.

The sources confirmed that more than 50 Al-Qaeda members arrived in the past hours at the outskirts of the Usiylan District, near the eastern border of Ma’rib province.

It is not yet known whether Al-Qaeda’s deployment near the oil area of Shabwah is part of a plan to attack oil fields, or of a new scenario for an attack on forces of the National Salvation Government that are stationed south of Ma’rib.

Al-Qaeda elements have recently been heavily deployed in areas which are under control of Saudi-led coalition’s factions in the southern provinces, like Shabwah, Hadhramaut and Abyan. They have in the past been used both against the forces of the National Salvation Government and against UAE-backed separatists in southern Yemen.