Human rights monitor records over 3,000 children killed during Saudi invasion of Yemen

Human rights monitor records over 3,000 children killed during Saudi invasion of Yemen

The eight years of war in Yemen were long decades for childhood, as an entire generation faced various types of violations, which claimed the lives of 3,182 children, a report of the Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations in Yemen, Rasd Coalition, confirmed.

Rasd Coalition said on its Twitter account that it had documented the killing of 3,182 children, including 2,795 males and 387 females, distributed over 20 Yemeni governorates.

The report stated that 973 children were killed by artillery and air strikes, and 1584 minors were killed on the battlefronts.

According to the report, 250 children were killed by live bullets and 152 by landmine explosions, while nine other children were killed under torture.