An official in the National Salvation Government revealed foreign involvement in facilitating the capture of Yemen’s oil and gas revenues by the Saudi-led coalition-backed government.
“Oil and gas in our country are the properly of a people of more than 30 million, not of a handful of corrupt and outcast mercenaries,” Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Ezzi said in a tweet.
النفط والغاز في بلادنا ملكية شعب قوامه اكثر من30 مليون نسمةوليست لحفنة المرتزقةالفاسدين وابمنبوذين شعبيا
ان على أمريكا وبريطانيا وجميع حلفائهم أن يخجلوا من أنفسهم ومن تواطئهم المكشوف ومايوفرونه من غطاء لكل هذاالنهب المنظم لثروات شعبنا المظلوم
(هذا عار كبير وأمر صادم ومروع للغاية)— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) June 7, 2022
“America, Britain and all their allies should be ashamed of themselves, because of their clear complicity and the cover they provide for all this systematic looting of the wealth of our oppressed people.”
“This is a great shame and it is very shocking and appalling,” he said.