At least two children were injured as a result of the explosion of a cluster bomb left over from the Saudi-led coalition forces in Hodeidah province, western Yemen.
The Executive Center for Mine Action stated on Sunday, that two children were injured as a result of the explosion of a cluster bomb left over from US-Saudi aggression in Al-Durayhimi district, Hodeidah province.
#الحديدة اصابه اثنين اطفال نتيجة انفجار #قنبلة_عنقودية في الدريهمي
ياتي هذا بعد سقوط عدد من الاطفال خلال إجازه عيد الاضحى فقد تم تسجيل عدد 15 ضحية بينهم سبعه اطفال في الحديدة ونهم وصعدة
يؤكد المركز على ضرورة توفير الاجهزة الكاشفة حتى يتمكن المركز من انقاذ حياة وأرواح المدنيين— البرنامج الوطني للتعامل مع الالغام YEMAC# (@mineaction_ye) July 17, 2022
According to the center, about 15 citizens were killed and injured, including seven children due to explosion of cluster bombs left over from US-Saudi Emirati aggression in Hodeidah, Sana’a and Saada.
It stressed the need to provide detectors so that the center can save the lives of civilians in Yemen.
As a result of the indiscriminate and excessive use of cluster bombs by the coalition forces during the past years, the impact of these bombs continues to lead to casualties among civilians, especially children.