The Sana’a government has called on those deceived the ranks of the Saudi-led coalition to take advantage of the opportunity of a general amnesty and returning to of homeland.
Deputy Foreign Minister in Sana’a, Hussein Al-Ezzi, wrote on Twitter: Guidelines for those wishing to take advantage of the opportunity of a general amnesty are as follows:
إرشادات للراغبين في الإستفادة من فرصة العفوالعام
1-الإعتذار للشعب اليمني واحترام تضحياته المجيدة
2-تعظيم قيم الحرية والاستقلال والسيادة والأمن والاستقرار ووحدةوسلامةالارض اليمنية
3-الإمتناع نهائيا عن الفساد
4-إنهاء كافةأشكال العلاقة مع القاعدةوداعش وإسرائيل وكافةالكيانات الظلامية— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) August 13, 2022
1- Apologizing to the Yemeni people and respecting their glorious sacrifices.
2- Maximizing the values of freedom, independence, sovereignty, security, stability and the unity and safety of the Yemeni land.
3- Completely abstain from corruption.
4- End all forms of relationship with al-Qaeda, ISIS, Israel and all obscurantist entities