Saudi-backed puppet government commands reforming of Salafist militias

Saudi-backed puppet government commands reforming of Salafist militias

The so-called Riyadh-Formed Presidential Council on Monday tasked Abu al-Abbas, commander of the Salafi brigades who was expelled from Taiz by Islah militants , to reassemble his members.

This coincides with arrangements for changes in the city, which is entirely subject to Islah party’s factions.

Southern media, citing sources in the Taiz militia axis, saying that the council had told Abu al-Abbas to get ready to return to the city of Taiz to secure the new leadership, which is expected to be appointed in the coming days.

According to the Media, Abu al-Abbas had begun assembling his fighters who had joined the ranks of factions led by Tariq Afash on Yemen’s western coast.

The Abu al-Abbas Brigades, which have been fighting against the Islah militants, were deployed in the old city of Taiz all the way to the Cairo Citadel, and have already been redeployed there recently under the name of the Fifth Brigade Presidential Protection Forces.

The move of Abu Abbas indicates expectations for a coup by the factions affiliated with the Islah party in the city, which pushes him to prepare military factions for pressure.