A diplomatic official in the capital Sana’a has revealed details of a meeting between Rashad Al-Alimi the head of the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council and the Zionist prime minister, Yair Lapid in Germany.
“Al-Alimi and the prime minister of the Israeli enemy are in Germany. Nothing happens by chance, and trust me; that this shameful kind of betrayal turns them into a legitimate food for the people’s guns and nothing more, ” Al-Ezzi said in a tweet on his Twitter account.
العليمي ورئيس وزراءالعدو الاسرئيلي بألمانيا
لاشيءيحدث بالصدفة ولكن ثقوا أن هذاالنوع المخزي من الخيانة يحولهم طعاما مشروعا لبنادق الشعب لا أكثر
إنهم يزدادون غربة عن يمنيتنا وإسلاميتنا وعروبتنا وإنسانيتنا
لذا نقول لمن يظن أن اليمن غدت في جيبه:
على رسلك ليس في جيبك سوى مرتزقةتافهين— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) September 13, 2022
He added, they are increasingly alienated from our Yemen, Islamism, Arabism and humanity.”
“So, we say to those who think that Yemen is in their pockets; Slow down! There are only petty mercenaries in your pocket,” he said.