The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia have kidnapped four doctors and burned the car they were traveling on in Ahwar city of Abyan province, southern Yemen.
Media sources reported that a gang affiliated with the so-called “Security Belt” of STC, led by Ali Hadi Al-Kazmi, who is close to the leader Abdullatif Al-Sayed, kidnapped during the past two days four doctors working for Al-Hariri Pharmaceutical Company (Dr. Nael Fadel Al-Radfani, Dr. Abdulbari al-Awlaqi, Dr. Saleh Sael al-Radfani, Dr. Nael Nabil al-Nahdi), and took them to one of the isolated mountainous areas in Ahwar, and threatened them with death, without knowing the reasons.
The UAE-funded gang looted the company’s car, a modern model of “Hilux” type, in which the doctors were traveling on their way to Aden city from Hadramout province, according to “Crater Sky” website.
According to the website, the kidnapped doctors were released after the intervention of military and tribal leaders loyal to the STC, as they are from the “south”, without returning their car, which the gang burned in front of the citizens in the market of Ahwar city because the doctors did not pay money to the gang members.