Deputy Foreign Minister in the national salvation government, Hussein Al-Azzi has stressed that Yemen’s demands are “neither difficult nor impossible as US Special Envoy for Yemen, Tim Lenderking, has claimed.”
“Our demands seem impossible to the coalition of aggression and the complicit international Community, because they are accustomed to taking away our rights and think that we are a people without rights,” Al-Ezzi wrote on his Twitter account.
شروط صنعاء ليست صعبة ولاتعجيزية كما يقول تيم ليندركينغ
إنها تبدو كذلك فقط لأن تحالف العدوان والمجتمع الدولي المتواطيء تعودوا على سلب حقوقنا حتى ظنوا أننا شعب بلاحقوق وأن ثرواتناالوطنية ملكية خاصة لمن يبعون وطنهم على الرصيف وهذا غير صحيح(إحترام حقوق شعبنا مرتكز العبور نحوالسلام)
— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) October 5, 2022
“The forces of aggression and the complicit international community believe that our national wealth is the private property of those who sell their homeland on the sidewalk, and this is not true,” he added.
Al-Ezzi’s remarks came in response to Tim Lenderking’s remarks in which he says, “the Houthi group has imposed maximalist and impossible demands” over a proposed mechanism to pay public sector wages.