Separatist militias name new conditions for disarmament agreement

Separatist militias name new conditions for disarmament agreement

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Saturday set a new condition for accepting the plans to disband its militias.

Media, quoting sources in the STC, reported that STC’s president, Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, informed the Emiratis of his adherence to the overthrow of the Minister of Interior in the government loyal to Saudi-led coalition, Ibrahim Haidan, provided that Shallal Shaye, the former director of Aden security, be named the minister of interior.

Al-Zubaidi’s condition coincided with Saudi pressure to dismantle his militias by distributing them to the Ministries of Defense and Interior.

This refers to the STC’s efforts to limit Tariq Affash’s incursion into his stronghold, especially since Tariq is the most prominent claimant of the Interior Ministry, and his brother Ammar was previously named.