Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) announced on Tuesday that the US-Saudi aggression had detained new diesel ship and prevented it from reaching the port of Hodeidah, despite obtaining a UN entry permit.
“The US-Saudi aggression detained the diesel ship Uhud, despite its humanitarian nature and being subject to inspection in Djibouti,” Essam Al-Mutawakel, a spokesman for YPC said.
إمعاناً منه في الحصار لزيادة معاناة أبناء الشعب اليمني تحالف العدوان الأمريكي السعودي يحتجز سفينة #الديزل "أحد" ويمنعها من الوصول الى ميناء الحديدة بالرغم من خضوعها للتفتيش القسري في جيبوتي.
— عصام المتوكل (@YPCSpokesperson) November 22, 2022
Al-Mutawakel stressed that the aggression is still practicing piracy on fuel ships in partnership with the United Nations, in order to continue the blockade to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people.
He held the aggression and the UN fully responsible for the direct and indirect damages resulting from the detention of the fuel ships.