Southern Transitional Council Threatens Total Destruction of Islah Party in Hadhramaut

Southern Transitional Council Threatens Total Destruction of Islah Party in Hadhramaut

On Tuesday, the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias threatened to attack and wipe out Islah forces stationed in the city of Seiyun in Hadhramaut province.

The threat was made after an assassination attempt on Saeed Al-Mohammadi, the head of the STC branch in Hadhramaut.

The STC’s Aden Independent Channel (AIC TV) said in a report that “uprooting the forces of the first military region loyal to Islah in Hadhramaut has become more compelling in light of the chaos and devastation they are causing in the province.”

The report hinted at Islah’s involvement in the assassination attempt against Al-Mohammadi. The STC affiliated station threatened to prosecute parties associated with the Muslim Brotherhood militias.

The threats come as mutual military build-up escalated between the Saudi-led coalition factions, amid reports of an imminent confrontation erupting between the warring parties.