The International Organization for Migration (IOM) of the United Nations announced on Sunday the arrival of 67,500 African migrants to Yemen during the current year.
وفقاً لتقارير مصفوفة تتبع النزوح @DTM_IOM فإن حوالي 67,500 مهاجر وصلوا من القرن الأفريقي إلى اليمن هذا العام.
وتقوم المصفوفة @DTM_IOM بتوثيق وصول المهاجرين إلى السواحل اليمنية يومياً.
في #يوم_المهاجرين، ندعو لتكريس المزيد من الجهود لحماية ومساعدة الأشخاص المتنقلين.
— IOM Yemen (@IOM_Yemen) December 18, 2022
This comes days before the Organization announced the arrival of more than 9,000 immigrants, during the month of November, to Yemen.
On the occasion of International Migrants Day, which falls on December 19 of each year, the organization’s office in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, stated, that the displacement tracking matrix documented the arrival of migrants to the Yemeni coasts daily, calling for devoting more efforts to protect and assist the people on the move.
The IOM indicated that the conflict in the countries of the Horn of Africa is still the main driver for the migration of Africans to Yemen, especially in the second half of this year.