Sana’a announced on Tuesday that it does not recognize the team of experts on the “2140” sanctions committee in the Security Council.
The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, said in a tweet on Twitter that “Sana’a does not recognize the team of experts on the sanctions committee in the Security Council and considers it unworthy of respect.”
صنعاء لاتعترف بفريق الخبراءالتابع للجنةالعقوبات وتعتبره غير جديربالاحترام
ذات مرة كان الشيخ العزيز مبخوت المشرقي يتناول الشاي في مكتبي بينما كنت أقرأ عليه قصة مقتله على أيدينا بحسب مانشره الخبراء المضحكون
إنهم يقنعوننا فقط بأن(مجلس الكاش)هو الإسم الأكثر واقعية لمايعرف بمجلس الأمن— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) February 14, 2023
He added: “They only convince us that the (cash council) is the more realistic name for what is known as the Security Council.”
Al-Ezzi’s announcement comes after many media outlets published details of the annual report of the expert team of the “2140” sanctions committee in the Security Council.
The report was distributed to all members of the Security Council at the end of January and kept everyone confidential, unlike previous years when the UN did not publish a copy of the report that it used to publish and declassify by the end of January of each year.
The report accused Sanaa of being the reason for not renewing the armistice through what the report called the “unreasonable” demands that Sana’a stipulated to renew the armistice, especially the payment of salaries of all employees, including the military, in addition to the refusal to lift the siege on the city of Taiz.
The report’s authors also claimed that illegal arms deliveries continue and were largely unchanged during the period covered by the report.
The report also accused Sana’a of being the cause of economic instability in the areas controlled by the Saudi-led coalition’s tools through its attempts to put an end to the arrival of revenues by attacking what the report called the economic capabilities of the pro-coalition government.