Sana'a evacuates more Yemenis from Sudan, after Saudi authorities refused to evacuate them

Sana'a evacuates more Yemenis from Sudan, after Saudi authorities refused to evacuate them

As many as 180 Yemeni citizens, who were stranded in Sudan, have arrived in the Sana’a international airport on Sunday

“This batch is the first and other batches will follow,” deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Sana’a government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, said on Twitter. “The Sana’a government will continue to follow up until the arrival of all Yemenis stranded in Sudan.”

According to observers, the conduct of flights to evacuate Yemenis stranded in Sudan to Sana’a came after Saudi Arabia announced that the evacuation operations carried out by its royal warships were completed, while about 1,900 Yemenis, including women and children, remained stranded in Port Sudan, and Saudi Arabia had previously refused to evacuate them.

Earlier, the Ministry o foreign affairs had threatened to take action against the diplomatic mission of the pro-coalition government in Sudan for abandoning its role in evacuating the stranded.