American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Calls on Biden Administration to Not Impede Peace in Yemen

American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Calls on Biden Administration to Not Impede Peace in Yemen

Congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, (Democratic Party), has said that the Yemeni people are currently facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

“We must to do everything we can to help them,” Tlaib said, stressing that she, along with Rep. U Khanna and 30 other members, sent a letter to President Biden and his administration to address the situation in Yemen.

She urged Congress to push for the complete lifting of blockade on Yemen, asking “the United States not to impede peace by offering more military aid, weapons and security guarantees to any country.”

“ The recent progress offers hope that peace in Yemen is possible, but obstacles remain that require engagement from this Congress and President Biden,” she said in a tweet and video published on her “Twitter”.

Tlaib stressed the importance of “US participation in the peace process to make its chance of success greater,” calling on Congress to adopt a new resolution to end this awful war on Yemen