Under the auspices of the UN, the head of the Prisoners’ Committee, Abdulqadir Al-Murtadha, announced a new round of negotiations in Jordan’s capital, Amman, next Friday.
Abdulqadir Al-Murtadha stressed that the negotiations aim to find solutions to the problems that prevented the implementation of the rest of the previous agreement, hoping that it will be a successful round.
سنبدأ بعد غدٍ الجمعة 26/11/1444 الموافق 16/6/2023 م جولة جديدة من المفاوضات على ملف الأسرى في العاصمة الأردن ( عمّأن ) برعاية الأمم المتحدة.
بهدف إيجاد حلول للعوائق والاشكاليات التي حالت دون تنفيذ بقية الاتفاق السابق
ونأمل أن تكون جولة ناجحة ومثمرة كسابقتها.— عبدالقادر المرتضى (@abdulqadermortd) June 14, 2023
He stressed that the prisoners’ issue is a humanitarian one, and the committee deals with it from this point of view, indicating that it is supervised by the leadership of the Revolution to liberate all prisoners.
He said, “We are keen to free all our prisoners, and this issue should not be subjected to leniency at all.”
Al-Murtadha expressed the hope that the United Nations would take more serious and positive steps to pressure the other party to implement what was committed and agreed upon.