Many young people detained in Ma’rib prisons have been subjected to torture, assaults and abuse without mercy, southern activist Adel al-Hasani affirmed.
Al-Hasani said in a tweet on Twitter: “I had sessions with young people who were tortured in Ma’rib prisons, and the signs of torture and the stories I heard from them are no less criminal than the prisons of the UAE.”
سجون مأرب
لا أبني رأيي إلا على حقائق مُشاهدة، ولا أقبل كلام أنصار الله المُرسل عن الإصلاح أو العكس.
كانت لي جلسات مع شباب تعرضوا للتعذيب في سجون مأرب.
علامات التعذيب والحكايا التي سمعتها منهم لا تقل جُرمًا عن سجون الإمارات.
الإخوة في سلطة مأرب،، اتقوا الله ولا تأخذكم العزة…— عادل الحسني (@Adelalhasanii) June 22, 2023
He added, “We say to the Ma’rib authority, fear God, what is happening in prisons is shameful, and does not reflect the ‘state’ or the wisdom of the tribe.”
Al-Hasani confirmed that the crimes of torture are supervised in Ma’rib prisons by Ahmed Hanshal (Abu Osama), director of political security in Ma’rib.
In his tweet, he attached a picture of one of the victims of torture in Ma’rib prisons and said: “The picture before entering Ma’rib prisons and after leaving them. He died after he was released by few days, Oh God, we absolve you from every act that does not please you.”
يشرف على التعذيب في سجون مأرب
أحمد حنشل ( أبو أسامه )مدير الأمن السياسي في مأرب .الصوة قبل دخول سجون مأرب وبعد الخروج منها ، وما لبث أيام حتى مات .
اللهم إنا نبرأ اليك من كل فعل لا يرضيك .— عادل الحسني (@Adelalhasanii) June 22, 2023
Dozens of detainees died in the prisons of the Islah Party authorities in the city of Ma’rib, as a result of severe torture to which they are subjected to, with various tools and methods, as well as physical assaults.