A prominent leader of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Hadhramaut province, eastern Yemen, launched fiery threats in response to the Saudi accusation against the UAE of its betrayal in Yemen.
Salah Al-Jabri, a pro-STC activist and writer, said Thursday on the “X” platform, “Whoever has the ability to remove the STC must do so, raise the banner of victory, and celebrate,” in a clear reference to Saudi Arabia.
من لديه القدرة على إزاحة الانتقالي عليه أن يفعلها ويرفع راية النصر ويحتفل واذا السعودية لديها من هم افضل من الانتقالي في الوفاء والتضحيات عليها أن تدعمهم بالسلاح والمال
لكن المشهد بدون الانتقالي والقوات الجنوبية والحاضنة الشعبية كمن يلعب مباراة أمام الحوثي بدون حارس مرمى— صلاح الجابري _حضرموت (@aljabri_salah) August 17, 2023
Al-Jabri added: “If Saudi Arabia has people who are better than the STC in loyalty and sacrifices, it must support them with weapons and money.”
He explained that without the armed “STC” factions and what he described as the “popular incubator” that it possesses in the southern and eastern provinces, “the Saudi-led coalition will be like playing a match against the Sana’a forces without a goalkeeper.”
In this context, observers and those interested in Yemeni affairs confirmed that Saudi Arabia is currently avoiding any military confrontation with the UAE and its armed factions in the areas under the control of the coalition due to the lack of a popular incubator and military units for Saudi Arabia in those areas compared to the UAE.