Corruption scandal exposed in Yemeni embassy in Egypt

Corruption scandal exposed in Yemeni embassy in Egypt

Activists on social media revealed on Saturday that corrupt officials in the embassy of the “government” loyal to the Saudi-led coalition had sold Yemenis’ property in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

The activists confirmed that the ambassador, “Muhammad Marem,” sold real estate owned by Yemen after the revolution of September 26, 1962, when the Egyptian government confiscated the property of Prince Saif al-Islam, “Abdullah Yahya Hamid al-Din,” including a villa he owned in Nasr City and a palace in the Hadayek al-Qobba area in Cairo in the fifties of the last century and owned it for the benefit of the Yemeni government at the time.

Since September 1962, those properties have remained at the disposal of the Yemeni embassy for use and were untouched for six decades until “Muhammad Marem” was appointed ambassador to the pro-coalition “government” in Egypt.

According to the activists, Marem and a number of the embassy’s employees sold the villa, the palace, and house belongings, such as antiques and others, at a low price and divided the price among themselves without any right.

Last week, activists revealed a similar corruption case in which Marem sold the Yemeni Cultural Center, which has a distinguished location on “12 Nile Street—Giza,” to Egyptian beneficiaries.