A top official in the National Salvation Government in Sana’a has warned against any presence of foreign forces in any part of Yemen, as these forces would be a legitimate target at any moment as they pose major threat to all of Yemen and the region.
“The presence of any foreign force (whether American or of other nationalities) in any part of Yemen represents a major threat to all of Yemen and the region, ” Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Ezzi said in a post on his X account on Friday.
تواجد أي قوة أجنبية ( سواءا أمريكية أومن جنسيات أخرى) في أي جزء من اليمن – يمثل تهديدا كبيرا لكل اليمن والمنطقة
إن هذه القوات الهمجية تعطي لشعبنا اليمني العظيم كامل الحق في استهدافها وبلا تحديد عليها أن تتوقع ذلك في أي لحظة
(سيكونون محظوظين للغاية في حال تمكنوا من المغادرة بأمان)— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) September 1, 2023
Al-Ezzi affirmed that these forces, which he described as barbaric, “give the Yemeni people the full right to target them, and without being identified they should expect this at any moment.”
He added, “They will be very lucky if they can leave safely.”