At leas 37 Yemeni casualties due to mines and leftover explosives in August

At leas 37 Yemeni casualties due to mines and leftover explosives in August

The Executive Center for Mine Action (YEMAC) said, in a statement, that it had recorded 37 civilian casualties, including 12 children during August.

During the month of August, the center has recorded 37 civilian casualties as a result of cluster bomb, land mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), including 12 children, the statement said.

According to the statement, it is strange and unfortunate that the suspension of funding for mine-related activities continues for the second consecutive month by the UN, despite the availability of the fund with the Humanitarian Fund in Yemen.

Despite the ongoing following up from YEMAC to the UN to provide justifications and reasons for the support suspension, the Center has not received any response so far, the statement read.

The statement affirmed that the significant and devastating casualties from cluster bombs, ERWs and landmines will result in disabilities for a large segment of the Yemeni people, especially children.