STC raids the home of dissident in Aden

STC raids the home of dissident in Aden


The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s forces raided the home of dissident leader Mohammed al-Nakha’i in Aden, looting and stealing all its contents and breaking his car.

The dissident leader al-Nakha’i, who had left Aden half a mont…

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s forces raided the home of dissident leader Mohammed al-Nakha’i in Aden, looting and stealing all its contents and breaking his car.

The dissident leader al-Nakha’i, who had left Aden half a month ago and his family a week ago, confirmed that STC forces stormed his house and looted its contents.

“Things are good. Arabs don’t die until they take their rights! we paid a difficult bill from the years of our lives to expel the occupation of Afashi and are ready to pay the rest of life for the dignity and pride of our southern people,” he wrote in a post on his X account. “We are not honored to be partners with the tools that are torturing our people with their foolish policy.”

The southern leader Mohammed al-Nakha’i, and many other leaders from the “Southern Revolutionary Movement” announced their defection and the abolition of their political integration within the UAE-backed STC’s project in the southern provinces.

Al-Nakha’i is a member of the political bureau of the Supreme Council of the Revolutionary Movement and Chairman of the Revolutionary Movement Council in Abyan Governorate.

According to observers, the defection was considered a strong slap in the face of the STC. The STC is involved in an exchange of accusations and political moves against Saudi Arabia. The Saudis promise to eliminate the STC in the south.