At least 4,185 French citizens proven to be part of Zionist aggression against Gaza

At least 4,185 French citizens proven to be part of Zionist aggression against Gaza

A member of the French Parliament from the opposition La France Insoumise party has called on the government to investigate the extent of the involvement of 4,185 French-origin soldiers serving in the Israeli army in committing war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Thomas Portes revealed on X that he had sent a letter to Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti asking for an investigation to be opened into the French soldiers serving in the Israeli army in Gaza. He called for the soldiers in question to be brought to justice in France if they were proven to have committed war crimes, and indicated that he would submit a request to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in this regard.

“War crimes have been committed by the Israeli army in Gaza and the West Bank,” said Portes. “it is unacceptable for French citizens to participate in them.”

He posted the letter he sent to the French Minister of Justice on social media, and pointed out that France ranks second after the US in the number of soldiers serving in the Israeli army in Gaza.