Sana’a addressed on Wednesday warning messages to European Union (EU) countries regarding navigation security, in response to moves by the latter, prompted by America, to join the alliance to protect Israeli ships in the Red Sea.
The warnings came from the Deputy Foreign Minister in Sanaa, Hussein Al-Ezzi, who said in a series of posts on the “X” platform: “The EU peoples must realize that America is trying to employ their governments to protect Israeli ships,” noting that this exposes their interests to danger and encourages the Zionist entity to continue its barbaric aggression against civilians in the Gaza Strip.
على شعوب الاتحادالأوربي إدارك أن أمريكا تحاول توظيف حكوماتهم لحماية سفن اسرائيل وهذا يعرض مصالحهم للخطر ويشجع الكيان الصهيوني ع/مواصلة عدوانه الهمجي بحق المدنيين في غزة
-الملاحة في البحرالاحمر الى أوربا بأمان تام ومن العار أن تتحول حكومات الاتحادإلى كلاب حراسةلتجارةالمجرم نتنياهو— حسين العزي (@hussinalezzi5) January 16, 2024
He assured that navigation in the Red Sea to Europe is completely safe, adding that “it is a shame that the Union governments have turned into guard dogs for the trade of the criminal Netanyahu.”
Al-Ezzi stressed that any measure that harms the interests of Yemen would be considered a declaration of war, and preventing Israeli ships would not be limited to Bab Al-Mandab alone, because “there are those who will prevent them in other ways, and our coordination is advanced in this regard.”
He added, “The aggression of America and Britain and their shedding of Yemeni blood was unnecessary and will become the mistake of a lifetime unless they swallow Yemen’s upcoming response and stop their crimes against Gaza.”
Al-Ezzi pointed out that “America and Britain must submit to the facts and stop promoting blatant lies, because the security of navigation is never a matter of dispute, as Washington and London imagine, and the problem is entirely limited only to the brutal war on Gaza.”