A member of the so-called “Dera Alwatan” factions funded by Saudi Arabia committed a heinous crime against his sister and her husband in the city of Aden, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition, southern Yemen.
Local sources in the city reported on Thursday that the recruit Malik Khaled Ahmed Abdullah shot his sister and her husband in the Kud Behan area of Sheikh Othman district, then fled to an unknown destination.
Citizens transferred the perpetrator’s sister and her husband to Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Aden, and they are in critical condition, the source said, indicating that the woman was hit by a gunshot, causing her leg to be amputated, while her husband was hit in the pelvis.
The sources pointed out that the incident caused a state of panic and terror among the people of the Kud Beihan neighborhood, who demanded that the perpetrator be quickly arrested so that he could receive a deterrent punishment.
Aden has witnessed an unprecedented state of security chaos due to the lack of state authorities since the coalition took control of the city and made it subject to armed militias loyal to the UAE.