UAE-backed STC begins efforts to establish new airline

UAE-backed STC begins efforts to establish new airline

The UAE-backed Transitional Southern Council (STC), pushed a commercial group to establish a new airline company to compete with Yemenia Airways in Aden, southern Yemen.

Al Qutaibi Group, loyal to the STC, announced the imminent launch of Aden Airways, which will enter service in the coming weeks alongside Queen Bilqis Airways, owned by leaders in the Islah Party, and Yemenia Airways, which are under the control of the Saudi-led coalition.

The Qutaibi Group stated, “Efforts are underway to establish a new airline under the name Aden Airways, scheduled to commence operations within a few weeks.”

The STC seeks to establish a southern airline separate from Yemenia Airways as part of its project aimed at fragmenting Yemen and returning it to its pre-unification status before May 1990, with support and financing from the UAE, which disrupted the port of Aden and imposed its control over the islands, ports, and airports in southern Yemen.