On Saturday, the security apparatuses published a series of new confessions from the American-Israeli spy cell, which had been working for decades for Washington under various covers. These confessions revealed a series of activities by the cell aimed at targeting the economy, education, and the sovereign and revenue-generating institutions of the country. The confessions highlighted another aspect of the hostile American targeting that was carried out under false diplomatic and humanitarian pretenses.
The confessions exposed some of America’s hostile activities in the commercial sector, targeting the national economy under the guise of economic reform, and hostile practices against the financial and banking sectors by targeting the functions of the central bank, the national currency, and revenue-generating institutions. They also revealed the targeting of the energy sector and other sovereign service institutions, as well as the regulatory bodies and the Ministry of Planning.
The confessions showed that the nature of the work in the economic sector involved gathering information about the economic sector in general, including information about the central bank and its activities, information about various commercial and government banks, as well as information about oil companies, the Ministry of Finance, the Customs and Tax Authorities, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Chamber of Commerce.
This included establishing a network of relationships and recruiting sources in all ministries and government agencies to provide information to the economic section. This confirms the extent of American infiltration into the state’s institutions, with previous governments being entirely submissive to these conspiratorial moves targeting Yemen’s land, people, and resources. The traitorous client regime’s head, Saleh, admitted in an interview with Al Jazeera that he was fully aware and supervising all American movements, both direct and indirect, through cells, agents, and spies.
Targeting the Commercial Sector
The confessions indicated that the American embassy and its agents and spies worked to connect Yemeni traders with the American embassy and its various commercial activities around the world. This aimed to link American companies with Yemeni companies, a dangerous move intended to flood the Yemeni markets with American goods and merchandise, besides conducting destructive smuggling operations.
The confessions highlighted the extensive coordination between the American embassy and Yemeni traders through public and wide-ranging banquets between traders and the American ambassador at the time, who interacted with all segments of Yemeni society. The confessions pointed out that one of America’s main objectives in targeting the commercial sector was to flood Yemen with American goods to eliminate local industries and kill domestic production. This targeted sensitive areas such as pharmaceutical, food, and production industries, contributing to the shutdown of key national production lines since 2008, a year marked by significant American intelligence activity, according to the spies.
The agents and spies monitored activities, information, and news about the commercial sector in the country, including the governmental sector such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Chamber of Commerce, and various commercial companies like major commercial capital entities and large trading companies. They gathered information about the commercial sector to implement American-planned strategies targeting this sector.
Targeting the National Economy
The spies confessed to several American moves aimed at destroying the national economy under various guises, the most prominent being “economic reform.” This destructive path included lifting subsidies on oil derivatives, liquidating and privatizing public sector institutions, enabling traders to import and export without any restrictions or conditions, lowering customs tariffs to the minimum possible, and providing tax facilities for foreign products and facilitating the movement of foreign capital.
The confessions revealed that the Americans trained sixty individuals from various economic entities, including the central bank, commercial banks, some exchange companies, the Ministry of Finance, the airport, and some judicial bodies, under the pretext of money laundering and terrorism financing, all within the context of continuous recruitment.
One of the most notable aspects of targeting the national economy was transferring the central bank’s functions to Aden by transferring the code through the spy Shaif Al-Hamdani. The confessions revealed that Washington funded, executed, and recruited for this targeting and followed up with field movements of its elements to monitor the repercussions of transferring the bank and the response from other banks.
Washington and its cells consistently worked to destroy the national currency under the supervision of the so-called “USAID” by spreading illegal currency in the free provinces, forming elements to monitor this activity, and moving to smuggle hard currency out of the free provinces and then abroad.
The spies confessed to American moves in targeting revenue-generating institutions by recruiting many spies and agents in the Ministry of Finance, the Customs and Tax Authorities to provide the Americans with information about these units, to manipulate budgets for education and health in line with American conspiracies in these vital and sensitive sectors.
The spies admitted that they were tasked with gathering information about the National Salvation Government’s revenues and the general state budget, monitoring its resources to prepare plans to target revenue sources.
Targeting Regulatory and Statistical Agencies:
To cover all targeting operations that affected most state institutions, the American enemy was keen on targeting regulatory agencies, including the Central Agency for Control and Accounting.
Spies confessed that America considered the Central Agency for Control and Accounting as one of the most prominent indicators in measuring the country’s development and combating the corruption prevalent in state institutions. They aimed to cover up aspects of corruption and embezzlement under American supervision, in order to increase the deterioration of services and to cover all ongoing American movements in the most vital and sensitive state institutions and units.
Spies also noted within their confessions that the American enemy was interested in knowing the activities of the Planning Ministry and the Central Statistical Organization and the role of each of these bodies, whether the Planning Ministry to know which international entities international organizations communicate with, while America was constantly aware of the activities of the Central Statistical Organization and penetrated it to steal statistical data issued by the organization continuously and periodically. This data was economic statistics used to measure the performance and development or deterioration of the economy.
In general, the confessions made by the spies, which will be published by Al-Masirah newspaper in several installments, reveal to everyone that the United States and its ambassador were the actual rulers in Yemen. The head of state was just a hireling silenced with crumbs of plundered money. The confessions confirm that the suffering endured by our Yemeni people for decades, including during the years of aggression, siege, and economic warfare, was orchestrated by America, funded by its conspiracies, overseen by its agents, and directly executed on the ground. This confirms that the activity of this state in all countries is a destructive conspiratorial course under ugly diplomatic and humanitarian banners.
Source: Almasirah Net