The leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, addressed Saudi Arabia on Tuesday with important advice and new warning messages.
In a televised speech this evening, Sayyid Abdul-Malik addressed the Saudi regime, saying, “I advise the Saudi regime to listen to our people in their warnings and chants and to desist from its wrong path that is pro-America, pro-Israel and is hostile to Allah, to Muslims and to the people of faith and wisdom.”
He stressed that “the Yemeni people will not submit, regardless of the challenges and conspiracies from America and the agents, because they are a dear people who reject injustice and oppression and belong to a culture.”
Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi pointed out that there is a case of scandalous complicity and service to the enemies of puppet governments and regimes, “led by the Qarun of the Age and the Qarun of Satan, the Saudi regime,” referring to the Biblical and Qur’anic figure who led a rebellion against Moses. The Sayyid furthermore affirmed that the aggressive Saudi escalation against the Yemeni people has come to be under orders from America in service of Israel.
He said that the Yemeni people have expressed their readiness to confront any economic steps that serve the enemy entity by the Saudi regime, confirming that “the tyranny of America’s agents will break and destroy their capabilities at the hands of Allah’s faithful servants, in support of the Palestinian people.”
The revolutionary leader continued, saying: “After we expelled their aircraft carrier, the Americans tended to implicate their Saudi agent in order to push him into serving the Israeli enemy more than he did already,” noting the expulsion of the American aircraft carrier “Eisenhower” from the Red Sea as one of the results of the Yemeni operations.
He reiterated that the issue of Palestine is “the issue of the greatest issues and tragedies in the world, and it is a great shame for it to be in an Islamic environment, most of which is weak.”
Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi emphasised that the field of confrontation against the Israeli and American enemy is the field in which the entire nation must contribute and move seriously to support the Palestinian people, considering that “an important criterion that clearly separates the nation’s reality between those who are evil and those who are good.”
He stated that “the state of inaction, neglect, and watching what is happening in Palestine is quite clear in the position of many governments and elites.”
Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi concluded his speech by saying, “The exit of our dear people last Friday was a great and significant exit, as millions went to the squares to let the world hear their steadfastness in the truth and in supporting the Palestinian people despite the noses of a thousand agents.”