Al-Qaeda announces execution of 11 prisoners in Saudi-occupied Yemen

Al-Qaeda announces execution of 11 prisoners in Saudi-occupied Yemen

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) announced on Sunday that 11 kidnapped individuals, including journalist Mohammed Al-Muqri who has been held since 2016, were executed in areas in southern Yemen, which are controlled by Saudi-led coalition.

The so-called “Security Committee of the Organization” issued a statement last Friday, which has since circulated on social media.

The statement confirmed that the charges leading to the executions were related to accusations of spying for various parties, although these parties were not named.

The statement also explained that Mohammed Qaed Al-Maqri, a correspondent for Yemen Today Channel, was among those executed. Al-Muqri had been kidnapped by the organization in 2016 after terrorist elements took control of Mukalla, the provincial capital of Hadhramaut.

Based in the coalition-held areas of southern Yemen, AQAP released the following list of individuals who were executed:

  1. Naji Al-Zuhairi
  2. Mohamed Ahmed Hussein Al-Azzani, known as “Dhamra”
  3. Mohamed Ahmed Bashab
  4. Abdulrahman Hussein Hadees
  5. Al-Rasaas Alawi Hussein Ahmed Al-Rasaas
  6. Abdulaziz Mohamed Saleh Al-Hadi, known as “Zinji”
  7. Hussein Mohamed Ali Al-Saadi, known as “Mujahid Al-Saadi”
  8. Abdullah Ali Al-Azzani, known as “Al-Hayawan”
  9. Youssef Saleh Ahmed Mohamed Abdul Kareem Al-Hamaqani
  10. Hussein Ali Mohamed Hussein Al-Suwadi
  11. Mohamed Al-Muqri