Sayyid Khamenei: Gaza is a clear indication that the resistance will remain

Sayyid Khamenei: Gaza is a clear indication that the resistance will remain

Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Iranian revolution, has stated that the ceasefire and the victory achieved by Gaza are “a clear indication of the fulfillment of the prediction that the resistance will remain alive.”

Khamenei, while receiving on Wednesday a group of producers and private sector activists in Iran, said,” What is happening before the eyes of the world seems like a myth: a country with a huge military power like America is violating human values by supplying the oppressive and violence-hungry Zionist entity with bunker-busting bombs. This entity uses these weapons to bomb homes and hospitals, targeting more than 15,000 children, and yet, it fails to achieve its goals.”

He affirmed that if it were not for American support, the Zionist entity would have collapsed in the first weeks.

Sayyid Khamenei considered the pride and victory of the resistance in the Gaza battle as examples of the fulfillment of divine laws and victory as a result of resistance. He stressed by saying, “Wherever the righteous stand firm and steadfast, victory is inevitable.”