The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Saturday launched about 50 airstrikes on Ma’rib , Shabwah and Bayda provinces, a security official said.
The official added the aggression’s warplanes launched 12 airstrikes on Harib district and hit al-Jubah district in Ma’rib with nine airstrikes.
Moreover, the aggression’s warplanes launched five raids on al-Wadi district, causing great damage to citizens’ properties.
The official indicated the aggression’s warplanes targeted Aqabat al-Qandha’ in Bayhan district of Shabwah with 16 raids.
In Bayda, the coalition warplanes launched five airstrikes on al-Sawma’ah district, two airstrikes on Nate’i district and one airstrike on al-Sawadiya district.